Crown Zipper Information
  • The Ultimate WWII Zip Fastener
  • Unbelievable Authenticity
  • Smooth Sliding 
  • More Durable 

Crown is a registered trademark of "Eastman Leather Clothing"

We are extremely proud to announce the coronation of our flying jacket range. For the King of flight jackets a Crown of outstanding quality would certainly seem most befitting. We give you - The Crown Zipper!

Achieving the in-possible is a not strangers to here at Eastman Leather Clothing. But we have truly excelled ourselves this time, we don't mind telling you.

After more than 20 years of pursuing ultimate authenticity in our products, we appreciate the importance of finishing our jackets with an authentic zip. 

The zip is the only moving on a flight jacket, and as such is the most difficult trim part to get made. Zips are highly engineered devices that require absolute in their construction.The tooling and machinery required to manufacture such an item is - so to produce a from scratch is an incredible undertaking - but we have succeeded! 

Of the 4 makes of zip that can be authentically used on WWII USAAF fight jackets, Crown is by the most desirable. 

Until now, it was just a dream to have a reproduction flight jacket with a Crown zipper. Some who are lucky enough, may have been able to find a new-old-stock example, and had it fitted by special request. 

However, an alternative is now available; we have reproduced the definitive WWII Crown zipper. Because of it's uniquely designed 'Chevron' teeth, our Crown zipper had to be produced completely from scratch. Two years of development have gone into this product, and nothing short of perfection was acceptable. 

So accurate a reproduction is our Crown zip, that it is possible to take one half of it, and zip it up with the corresponding half of an original - that authentic! Each has been reproduced with amazing accuracy, right down to the loaded puller.

Below is a list of the models that now come fitted with the new Crown zipper.

Eastman USAAF jacket styles: 

  • Type A-2 
  • Type B-3
  • Type D-1
  • Type C-3

Crown zipper with brown tape 

Rough Wear USAAF jacket styles: 

  • A-2 1401 
  • B-3 17756
  • B-6 17756

Crown zipper with tan tape


Crown zipper with olive drab tape

This information supersedes any printed material we have distributed thus far.

We will also be happy to upgrade your existing Eastman jacket with a Crown zip if you so wish. Please enquire for details via phone or email.