The US Army Tank-Top was regular GI issue during WWII. Producing this properly requires specialist yarns and looms. Our recreation was produced using unissued dead-stock garments for patterns and quality.
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The US Army Tank-Top was regular GI issue during WWII. Producing this properly requires specialist yarns and looms. Our recreation was produced using unissued dead-stock garments for patterns and quality.
These shirts are created using a thread that was developed in Japan that replicated the look and feel of vintage fabric, called Raffy. It is a combination of American Supima, Egyptian and Turfan cottons. Because these cottons all have different length staples (fibers), the thread has a distinctive texture of vintage fabric. The body section is produced on vintage circular knitting machines - one company produces the body tube, and another makes the ribbing, each specializing in their own field of expertise. The cost is naturally much more expensive than regular mass produced material, but the finished product is superior.